Friday, July 31, 2015

Huckabee's 'Oven' Remark Taken Out of Context

It's been a hard time for politicians not named "Trump" to get any attention, but Mike Huckabee managed it. He did it by comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler.At least that's what I gathered from headlines like this one from Gawker:

"Mike Huckabee Compares Obama to Hitler"
I don't put huge amounts of stock in Gawker headlines (or really any headlines on the Internet), but then I saw that CNN's Wolf Blitzer said Huckabee had "essentially likened [Barack Obama] to Adolf Hitler." National Journal's Ron Fournier went on a tear on Twitter, insisting that Huckabee apologize for comparing Obama to Hitler. And of course, Hillary Clinton and Obama himself denounced Huckabee for making a Hitler comparison. Clinton even said she was "really offended personally," as if her feelings are what really matters.


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